
Tiered Storage and Remote Read Replicas

Thursday, October 13, 2022
From Oct 13, 2022 through
Tiered Storage and Remote Read Replicas

1-hour session with our streaming data experts

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Tiered Storage and Remote Read Replicas

Redpanda’s tiered storage capability lowers storage and compute costs by archiving log segments to an external object store. Our new Remote Read Replicas (RRR) feature extends this capability by allowing for additional clusters to connect to the object store to serve topics in read-only mode. This allows for operational workloads to be fully isolated from ad-hoc analytical workloads.

Watch this interactive session, where we’ll step you through Remote Read Replicas, show you the benefits they bring, and answer your questions as we go.

Watch this session to learn about:

  • Redpanda’s tiered storage architecture overview
  • How Remote Read Replicas provide workload isolation and elasticity
  • How to get started with Remote Read Replicas
  • Q&A throughout

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