Simple, fast, efficient data streaming to Snowflake
The Snowflake Connector for Redpanda Connect offers the easiest, no-code configuration-driven approach to stream data from anywhere into Snowflake using Snowpipe Streaming.
Why Snowflake Connector?
Snowflake Connector for Redpanda Connect is the best way to get streaming data into Snowflake making it possible to unify streaming and batch processing. With 2X faster write compared to Kafka Connect, the Snowflake connector is dramatically cost-efficient. It’s code-free and simple to set up in just a few lines of YAML configuration. Getting real-time insights for faster decisioning and actioning has never been easier.
Ingest data nearly 2X faster compared to Kafka Connect. Effortlessly scale to tens of Gbps throughput with seamless vertical and horizontal scaling capabilities of Redpanda Connect.
Stream data from dozens of sources to Snowflake in a no-code, configuration-driven approach with a few lines of YAML.
Easily split a stream into multiple tables and do custom transformations on data in flight to address new generation of streaming use cases like autonomous driving, gaming, IoT streaming, and generative AI.